From the workshop of
Jay Valens and Ray Devans:
RE: Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity Happening in 2 Weeks
Dear Friends,
Take your phone off the hook, turn off your cell phone, turn off the TV or radio, and get rid of all other distractions. Find a quiet place to read this page where you won't be disturbed. It holds very specific time-sensitive information...
Jay Valens and Ray Devans here, we are the former nerds responsible for bringing the world an Internet meeting place at for the top minds in dating and pickup, as well as the groundbreaking The Art of the Pickup video teaching series. We're writing to you today because we recently had an idea that may totally change your life.
You see, almost ten long years ago, we were both starting on a journey that would take us through back alleys, into cafes, all over the Internet, across continents and major cities of the world, bringing us into contact with real, living, breathing modern day Casanovas and Don Juans. A journey that eventually morphed us from hopeless nerds into pickup masters with literal harems of hot girls around the world.
On this journey, we saw guys get slapped testing out new ideas with women in the name of science, we overcame our immense fear of talking to girls in places like Starbucks and in clubs. We tested ideas ourselves, we spent countless hours at bars and clubs, all while running what became the largest internet site about pickup, dating, and seduction on the planet.
We didn't plan any of this at first, but almost by accident we formed a virtual lab for testing literally thousands of ideas, strategies, methods, tactics & techniques and found the ones that got women flocking to our formerly empty beds. Along the way, we've also helped countless men do the same.
In a process kind of like what Thomas Edison went through in finally making the light bulb, we discovered the hard way about ten thousand things that didn't work. But we also found a whole bunch of very specific things that worked like the way we always hoped Spanish Fly and pheromones were supposed to work!
Four years ago we produced a video course to teach guys the A-to-Z steps to pickup. Then two years ago we decided to follow it up and create a video series that would help teach some of what we learned. It was called The Art of the Pickup: Tactics & Techniques and we got great feedback from guys about how much they've been benefiting from both. But then we were hanging out one day talking about what we could possibly do to top ourselves to help guys learn like we did. Then we had an idea.
The Idea Hit Us Like A Ton Of Bricks
What if we could bring together A LOT of these guys WE learned from so that other guys could also learn from them in-person?
Not just learn from them, but get access to all their best secrets...
You see, while we spent over 4 years producing the ultimate video teaching series', we know that there is little substitute for learning from people in-person. We knew that it was often the in-person communication we had that allowed us to get past sticking points we had on our own journeys to becoming successful with women.
So one day while hanging out, Jay blurted, We should get the band together again! Of course, there was no band per se to begin with, but the idea was genius, it was the equivalent of setting up a reunion tour of the best of the Original Gurus who we had learned from over the years.
But we didn't want to put together just any seminar. We've attended our fair share of seminars in our days, and almost all of them left us wanting more. What we really wanted was a single seminar that taught you everything you need to know from beginning to end -- a seminar that gave you real access to grab the most treasured unrevealed secrets of the grand masters who've taught us.
Not only that, we decided to do things with THIS seminar which surpass the benefits of any others. It starts with the Gurus. We're bringing together the best. That's a fact. This Deadly Dozen + 1 group of guys are the BEST of the BEST, and some of these guys have agreed to appear exclusively for us, you'd be hard-pressed to get access to them any other way. We've got Brad P, Sinn, David X, Swinggcat, Stephen Nash, Hypnotica, Savoy, Vin DiCarlo, Ross Jeffries, Cameron Teone, Brent Smith, Zan Perrion and Will H. We're also offering special access to these guys that you won't get in any other seminar (more on that below).
Today, there are countless young boys running around pretending to teach pickup and dating, but unfortunately, not many are qualified to even rent a car, let alone teach YOU how to go about conducting your dating life.
We are bringing you the original gurus. They are the Superheroes of this community. They're the battle-tested gurus with scars to prove they've been in the trenches. Their methods and teachings have stood the rigorous test of time, and many have tried to rehash their concepts. There is only one problem: The imitators and copycats cannot teach the concepts of the originators the way the original experts can.
You Will Never Get Another Opportunity Like This Again. Some of these experts are going to move on to other areas of their life and no longer provide access to their store of secrets. Some of these guys have special unique inside knowledge, that they'll share with you: classified pickup know-how and seduction secrets that will only available at this one-time only event.